Saturday, August 30, 2008

Welcome Back to School!

Welcome back! A new school year is upon us and there are lots of exciting news to share about activities in the music room this fall!

Grade 1/2 Primary Choir Day 6 at 12:30
Grade 3/4/5/ Intermediate Choir Day 3 at 12:30

We are collecting $5.00 from each student to provide them a recorder for the year. Please hand in your donation as soon as possible so that the students can start playing! Financial help will be given to those that need it.

Grade 5 Recorder Club Day 5 at 12:30

Grade 5/6/7/8 Choir Mondays 4-5
Fiddling Class Tuesdays & Thursdays 4-5
Orff/Drumming Class Wednesdays 4-5
More information on fiddling and drumming classes to come soon! Grade 5-8 Choir begins September 8, 2008!

This year's Christmas concert will be an African theme! We are in need of volunteers to help out at this event! If you are interested in helping, or would like to share some ideas, concerns, etc. please contact the school.

These are just a few of many exciting things happening in the music program at our school!

Friday, August 15, 2008


Welcome! This is the first of what I hope will be many posts on my blog!